
Kong Training

Diseño y prestación de servicios de formación 
en campo del sistema de educación y formación profesional.

Kong s.p.a. se organiza con un sistema de gestión de calidad certificado UNI EN ISO 9001 para el diseño y prestación de servicios de formación en el contexto del sistema de educación y formación profesional, con especial referencia a la seguridad en el trabajo.

Los cursos están catalogados o personalizados según necesidades específicas, respetando la legislación vigente.

Las actividades formativas se desarrollan en nuestra estructura interior, acondicionada para la realización de actividades teóricas y prácticas, o, si requerido, en la sede del cliente.

Los profesores de Kong están cualificados y tienen experiencia, además de poseer las habilidades requeridas por la legislación vigente.

Kong s.p.a. también tiene un sistema de recordatorios que permite a los clientes ser notificados a tiempo sobre las actualizaciones de formación necesarias, cuando sea necesario.

Los cursos son en italiano y bajo petición en inglés.

Catálogo de cursos

Kong PPE inspectors L1

Training course for PPE inspection (8 hours).

Correct use of PPE L3

Training course on the correct use of Category III PPE for work at height, L3 (8 hours).

Rope access workers module A

Training course for Rope Access Worker,  Module base + A, specific practice for industrial, offshore and onshore sites (32 hours).

Tree climbing

Training course for Rope Access System, module base + B specific practice for access on trees (40 hours)

Refresher course for tree climbing

Refresher course for Rope Access System module B (8 hours).

Refresher course for supervisor

Five-year refresher course for supervisor (8 hours).

Correct use of PPE L1

Training course on the correct use of Category III PPE for work at height, L1 (8 hours).

Supervisor of rope access safety

Training course for supervisor of Rope Access Safety (8 hours).

Adventure park instructor course

Course for instructor of acrobatic paths (24 hours)

Adventure park rescuer course

Rope courses/adventure path rescuer course (8 hours)

Confined spaces suspected of pollution

Confined spaces suspected of pollution training course (16 hours).

Refresher course for rope access worker module A

Refresher course for Rope Access Worker module A (8 hours).

Coudou pro installer

Training course for COUDOU PRO system installer (16 hours)

IRATA lev. 1

IRATA Level 1 rope access training course (40 hours)

Kong complex equipment inspectors L2

Kong training course for inspectors of complex equipment (8 hours).

IRATA lev. 2

IRATA Level 2 rope access training course (40 hours)

IRATA lev. 3

IRATA Level 3 rope access training course (40 hours)

Kong military equipment inspectors L3

Kong Training course for inspectors of military equipment (4 hours).

Correct use of PPE L2

Training course on the correct use of Category III PPE for work at height, L2 (8 hours).

Training Course NTS (Non Technical Skills)

Experiential training course in non-technical skills (12 hours)

Customized correct use of PPE

Training course on the correct use of Category III PPE for work at height (8 hours).

GWO BST MH&WAH (Manual handling & working at height combined)

Basic training course for work at height and loads manual handling in the wind sector (16 hours).

GWO BST FAW (Fire Awareness)

Basic training course on prevention and evacuation in case of fire for workers in the wind sector (4 hours).

GWO BST FA (First Aid)

Basic first aid training course for wind energy workers (8 hours).

GWO BST SS (Sea Survival)

Survival course at sea essential for access to offshore plants (8 hours).

Industrial Rescue L2

Training course intended for workers who, individually or in a company team, must learn the specific techniques for evacuating an injured person in industrial plants from non-standardized situations, including through the use of complex devices (16 hours)

Search and Rescue L1

Training course aimed at civil protection operators, in the staff of institutions or occasional, who want to give practical help and support to qualified professionals working in a scenery of disaster or public danger (16 hours)

Search and Rescue L2

Training course intended for civil protection operators in the staff of institutions, which, already having the skills provided in SAR L1 Low Angle, and having already had experience, intend to increase the baggage of purely technical skills (24 hours)

Search and Rescue L3

Training course for operators in research and aid SAR (40 hours)

Industrial Rescue L1

Training course is intended for workers who must learn the basic techniques for evacuating an injured person from metal structures (cranes, metal structures, scaffolding and pylons), or from places difficult to access and exit, more properly defined as "confined spaces" (16 hours)

Cableway evacuation

Training course for employees of companies that manage cableway installations for the transport of people (8 hours)

ISO 22846 Rope Access L1

More information can be requested to

ISO 22846 Rope Access L2

More information can be requested to

GWO BST MH&WAH (Manual Handling & Working at Height combined) Refresh

Refresh of the basic training course for work at height and loads manual handling in the wind sector (8 hours)

GWO BST FAW (Fire Awareness) Refresh

Refresh of the basic training course on prevention and evacuation in case of fire for workers in the wind sector (8 hours)

GWO BST FA (First Aid) Refresh

Resfresh of the basic first aid training course for wind energy workers (8 hours)

GWO BST SS (Sea Survival) Refresh

Refresh of the survival course at sea essential for access to offshore plants (8 hours)

Correct use of Kong Grizzly bipod

Training course in the correct use of the Kong Grizzly bipod (4 hours).

Correct use of Kong 4D Pole

Training course in the correct use of the Kong 4D pole (4 hours).

Historical and iconic buildings

Specialization course for the rope access to historical and iconic buildings (40 hours)

Adventure park rescuer course (REFRESH)

Adventure park rescuer course (REFRESH), intended for rescue operators in adventure parks and Tibetan bridges (8 hours)

Correct use of Kong stretchers 1

Training course for the correct use of Kong stretchers (8 hours)

Correct use of fall protection PPE for cableway operators (basic level)

Training course for correct use of fall protection PPE for cableway operators (basic level) (16 hours)

Correct use of fall protection PPE for cableway operators (advanced level)

Training course for correct use of fall protection PPE for cableway operators (advanced level) (8 hours)

Five-Year confined spaces suspected of pollution refresher course

Five-Year confined spaces suspected of pollution refresher course

Mast rope access for sail boat owners

Mast rope access for sail boat owners (16 hours)

Water Danger

Training course on water danger (8 hours)

Correct Use of Kong tripods

Training course for the correct use of Kong tripods (4 hours)

Correct use of MEWPs with and without stabilizers

Training course for the correct use of MEPWs ((Mobile Elevating Work Platforms) with and without stabilizers (12 hours)

Correct use of Kong stretchers 2

Training course for the correct use of Kong stretchers (4 hours)

GWO EFA (Enhanced First Aid)

Enhanced first aid training course for wind energy workers (8 hours).

GWO EFA-R (Enhanced First Aid) Refresh

Resfresh of the enhanced first aid training course for wind energy workers (14 hours).

GWO ART (Advanced Rescue Training) Combined

Training course for conducting rescue operations of injured persons in a Wind Turbine Generator (21 hours).

GWO ART HSIBR-R (Hub, Spinner, Blade Rescue) Refresh

Hub, spinner and inside blade rescue refresher course

GWO ART NTBR-R (Nacelle, Tower and Basement Rescue) Refresh

Advanced first aid course to undertake rescue operations of persons injured in a WTG (Wind Turbine Generator) nacelle, tower and basement (14 hours).

Self-rescue in Avalanche

Training course for self-rescue in avalanche (8 hours)

GWO BST MH (Manual Handling)

Basic training course for manual handling of loads for wind energy technicians (4 hours)

GWO BST WAH (Working at Heights)

Basic training course for work at height for wind energy technicians (14 hours)


Visita la sección y descubre los próximos cursos programados.

Hasta la fecha se han impartido más de 30.000 horas de formación en las que han participado personal de las Fuerzas Armadas y Fuerzas de Seguridad, Salvamento Técnico Urgente (Bomberos, Protección Civil, etc.) y rescate médico ordinario y extraordinario (118, Cruz Roja y asociaciones de asistencia diversas), así como operadores de parques acrobáticos, autónomos y trabajadores de empresas privadas.

Cursos programados

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